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Private Sessions with Sophie
Sophie Frabotta The Soul Whisperer_edite

What I can promise you

is that I show up for you, maybe in a way that no one ever has.


This is not therapy, this is a transformational opportunity and if you become a client, you will be extremely well taken care of.

I hold this healing + transformational space for you during our time together and pour all my tools into your tool box. 


I will deeply listen to you, and through this partnership - you will change. I am here to nurture and midwife your transformation. 

The Cellular Detective
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Clients affectionately have started to call me the cellular detective, lol, because just about 5 minutes into listening to you open up and talk in our sessions, I start to hear the energy you are holding in your cells and then I show you how to release it.

These sessions will help you:

⫸ Become aware of your limiting beliefs, fears and attachments

⫸ See where your ego is too attached and your soul is disengaged

⫸ Step into a higher vibration

⫸ Discover the hidden blocks that you are holding onto (subconsciously) and how to let go of them

⫸ Find where your body holds and clings to emotions and how to process this energy through 

⫸ Rewrite your future into what you truly want to live

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will help you raise your vibration, work on your relationship with your inner child work, heal traumas, practice guided meditation, and go way beyond where you have gone before.


If you are ready to take yourself to a whole new level and really commit to a full transformation, you can schedule your free consultation below.

Our Sessions



Soul Whisperer


  • 8 Private Healing Sessions with Sophie (via Zoom)

  • 8 Weeks of Companion lessons + recorded healings

  • Guidance to locate your false beliefs + change them

  • Replays of your sessions to help you integrate the new concepts 

  • Worksheets + healing processes to guide you

  • 2 Months of Voxer support

  • Powerful step-by-step healing support to rewrite your future

  • Practical tools on how to go beyond where you are now

  ➝ single sessions not available 

During Our Time Together


I hold this healing + transformational space for you. What I can promise you is that I show up for you, maybe in a way that no one ever has. This is not therapy, this is a transformational opportunity and if you become a client, you will be extremely well taken care of.


I am going to pour all my tools into your tool box and deeply listen to you, and through this partnership - you will change. I am here to nurture and midwife your transformation. 

What Others are Saying...



I am forever changed. The mystery of inner healing is far more powerful than I had anticipated. I imagined struggle, resistance and a lot of pain. The most profound experience was actually healing them and the lightness that followed. It has taught me how powerful and connected to source I actually am.



I was looking for purpose, direction and to figure out who I was. First and foremost, I became more spiritual! I reconnected with Jesus and can honestly say that has brightened my world. I learned to meditate and feel like I can now manifest and work towards things I want. Through working with Sophie I feel like I have grown as a person and changed my life.



I started going to Sophie after a friend recommended her and told me that she had changed her life. Although I had come to terms with some deep issues through therapy, I felt I still needed help healing on an emotional level. Sophie helped me dive deeper into those areas of my life and gave me tools that I still refer back to. She is a true healer and is amazing at what she does. I highly encourage you to allow her to help you on your journey.



I reached out to Sophie because I was unhappy, full of anxiety, and needed guidance.  The benefits I received from coaching with Sophie were numerous. I learned to be joyful, to be ok with things, to go with the flow of life, to practice serenity, and to look forward, not back.  Sophie was like a lantern providing light, taking me out of the darkness."



Sophie is just a joy to work with and has such a calm, good, and genuine spirit! She got me to see things I never had before, which really helped me to reevauate the way I saw and interpreted certain situations. I highly recommend her to anyone that finds themselves stuck and searching for answers in dealing with life in general. I've used the tools she's given me and I'm much more calm and relaxed now. When things get crazy, I know how to bring my stress down and manage it!



I was able to see “behind the scenes,” with Sophie, being her intern and a client, therefore can say with absolute certainty that Sophie truly is a gift to those who accept her services. She is dedicated to her clients and makes the most of every session. She is client-centered, exudes empathy, and encourages positive change in a safe atmosphere. Sophie remains focused on the heart and soul of her clients, never wastes time, as she gets the “root” of every problem.



"When I first started with Sophie I was looking for a sense of direction and now I have more clarity of what I want and received a great amount of benefit, from hope to excellence. I have also seen a major improvement with my organizational skills and established a profound spiritual connection. Sophie is positive, teaches excellence, and shines with radiance. I now have a strategic plan for my future and feel inspired to move forward. Sophie is a great coach!



Sophie's patience, mindfulness and intuitive nature continually allowed me to grow both spiritually and emotionally, into the truest version of my self. Rather than simply understanding the past through therapy, I was able to find peace in the present through action, guided by Sophie's many tools. I now find myself continually referring to the methods that Sophie shared with me. Daily, I am thankful for the guidance she was able to offer through a major transition in my life."

T. G.

T. G.

Sophie is exceptional at what she does. She is caring, attentive, and has a way of bringing the best out in me. She can truly assist in helping you to live your life to its full potential. Whether your goals are health, career, personal, or spiritual, she can guide you there.



Sophie showed me how to transform my thoughts and fears. She gave me tools to love myself, and dig deep into the pain from my past that I was wanting to heal. I have since then, used those tools to help me be a better, more loving person to myself and other people. My relationships are growing strong with myself and the people I would like to have in my life. Thank you Sophie! For showing me that when we want help, it is always there. And we can heal anything we set our minds to.



I contacted Sophie and I am seeing changes in every area of my life. Rather than focusing on the problem, she focuses on the solution and how to move forward in your life. Don't get me wrong, you will find out how you got to where you are, but her unique style of coaching will help get to where you were created to be."



Sophie has helped me grow personally by becoming aware of how to transform the many negative influences and bad habits in my life. This process has allowed me to evolve into a better person. In turn I am better in my career, my marriage, my family life, and my friendships. I would highly recommend working with Sophie for any life stage!"



My life is more authentic because of the things I learned from Sophie. I love taking an hour, once a week where it is all about ME! She has taught me to be nonjudgmental, and see that my happiness was always within my reach! I could write a short essay on the benefits of working with a coach like Sophie Skover Frabotta! For people who are looking for self improvement, this is the best thing you could do for yourself!"



​Working with Sophie has been the most important ​& positive change in my life. I've learned to deal with my own issues, while also learning how to nurture and support my most important relationships. Life coaching is now less of a luxury, and more of a necessity. I recommend Sophie to all my friends."



I feel like a completely different person, and have the tools to live the peaceful, joyful life I deserve. I know that when bumps come along the way in life, I can always return to peace by reminding myself of something Sophie taught me. Sophie’s wealth of wisdom, caring and passionate spirit changed my life. I would recommend her to anyone. You only get one life and she can help to make it your best. I'm forever thankful!"



Sophie taught me techniques on how to deal with my issues and stop burying them with food. I learned how to deal with life's daily struggles and work through my day to day issues. I learned how to better deal with my past thinking, and move into the future with a better perspective. I felt extremely comfortable in sharing anything I had to say, felt fully understood and empathized with no matter how embarrassing it was. Thank you so much Sophie!"



Sophie threw me a life jacket when I was drowning. She has given me tools to help me through rough spots in my marriage, raising teenage children, struggling friendships and the ups and downs of life in general. She has used her own experiences and wealth of knowledge to assist me in overcoming many obstacles and has helped me to embrace them and see them as growth opportunities. She has helped to guide me on my path, to reach for my dreams and to do it with an open heart."



Every week I leave Sophie's office with tools that are unique to my life. She has given me the reassurance that I have everything I need; I just need to find it. Believe me, at first, I wanted miracles, answers, and I wanted her to do the work of finding that gem that lives inside of me. However, Sophie knew the importance of self discovery and the sense of ownership and confidence one only finds on their own. I was lost, but with Sophie I have been found!"



Sophie has been an amazing life coach helping me for the last 3 years. She is a great listener and completely non-judgmental. I feel that she works together with me to help me create new ways of looking at difficult situations. I am very impressed with her service and I recommend her to anyone looking to improve their life."

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